Monthly Archives: January 2011

Rick Raimondi
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The Three A’s to…

Attitude, Aptitude and Attendance. By understanding the importance and makeup of these three character traits you will save yourself hundreds of dollars in “How to manager your Boss” books and countless hours of reading time as well. Attitude – This may seem pretty self explanatory, and most people at least try to have a positive attitude, but even on your good days it can be a challenge, especially with a micro manager. Remember, people can tell what you are thinking, even when you don’t say it. Body language, non verbal communication says a lot more than we think and an adept person will always be able to know what is on your mind. Life has many challenges and work is definitely part of it, especially the way the economy has evolved these past few years. When my friends that are doing well start complaining about work, I tell them two..

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Rick Raimondi
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The Need for Continuing…

We all know the job market is sort of tight at the moment. That’s not really news. But that’s not all. The tight job market also means that if you’re out of work and looking to find a job like the one you last held, you’ll probably end up making way less than you last did. That is, if you find a job in the first place. Intuitively, this makes sense—if there are fewer jobs to fill, employers can offer lower wages to a struggling labor force. But that doesn’t mean that this makes the situation any less annoying. On the other hand, according to the Wall Street Journal, wages are actually growing, but at a slow pace. So how does this all add up, and why are many people’s wages still lower than they were before this downturn? If you have been working for 20+ years, most likely the..

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Rick Raimondi
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Low Raises, High Turnover

At a recent CommNexus Special Interest Group (SIG),  Employment and Benefits specialists provided an overview of the technology workforce  and  the corporate challenges related to  employee retention in today’s global market. Companies are now budgeting approximately 2.5% to 3% in pay raises, and this has become the “new” normal for wage increases.  Historically, this is low but workable, because, until recently, we were in a zero inflation economy. Since the employment market has stunk, people have endured  job insecurity, stagnated or reduced wages, longer work weeks, and the demand to produce  more with fewer resources.  I know people that are at their office 6 days a week and work remotely the 7th day. Others at times sleep in their office to meet crazily demanding deadlines.  Does this sound familiar?  With the uptick in tech employment market (Google, Facebook, Linked-In have sucked up all the talent in the Bay area), compensation..

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Rick Raimondi
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Nothing happens until we plan, and good plans have goals and objectives. Setting goals and objectives correctly provides the necessary support and aids in their achievement. Before we dive into how to go about getting SMART and setting objectives, it’s important to understand that there is a world of difference between goals and objectives. •    Goals relate to our aspirations, purpose and vision. For example, I have a goal of becoming financially independent. •    Objectives are the battle plan, the stepping stones on the path towards the achievement of my goal. The most well known method for setting objectives is the S.M.A.R.T. way. The SMART approach is well understood amongst managers, but is poorly practiced. S.M.A.R.T refers to the acronym that describes the key characteristics of meaningful objectives, which are Specific (concrete, detailed, well defined), Measureable (numbers, quantity, comparison), Achievable (feasible, actionable), Realistic (considering resources) and Time-Bound (a defined time..

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Rick Raimondi
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A Positive Outlook on…

Over the past decade, US employment rates have been in decline; while multinational corporations have increased outsourcing employment abroad. These companies, which previously employed as many as 20% of all US workers, have cut employment in the US drastically, and have dramatically increased employment in countries such as India. This trend reflects the negative aspects of globalization and has opened up a host of doubt for workers—such as ourselves in the good old U.S. Long gone are the days in which America was at the top of the food chain; these days, we are being eaten for breakfast like a Grand Slam at Denny’s. Why do companies seek employment abroad? There are several factors that play into this role, but, the major reason is economical. Often, developing countries have fewer rules and regulations and lower salaries; thus, making it possible for companies to hire more people abroad than they would..

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Rick Raimondi
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There is Nothing More…

Truer words have never been spoken. When we hear the word temporary; well, it means just that: a holding pattern in your life, a Polaroid if you will. Don’t judge this word because of its definition. See it as the road to permanent. Staffing firms that focus on providing temporary/contract employment for qualified people are providing opportunities that can transition into full-time, salaried positions. There are staffing firms that provide temporary/contract opportunities for every career interest: From administrative to Tech CEO’s. Once you have accepted an assignment, there are a few things that you should consider. Remember: don’t see it as temporary, see it as the road to a permanent job. What do I mean by this? Well just think to yourself: "if I were hired for a permanent position, how would I interact with my co-workers? How would I treat my work? A line should not be drawn between..

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Rick Raimondi
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A Paycheck is Only…

Most say: “follow the money”, “money buys off problems”. Is it possible to be happy without having the means to pay rent on your apartment or meeting that monthly mortgage payment? What’s more important:  a pleasant job environment, or your bank statement? Studies have shown that employees are less likely to complain about their current title and salary, if a motivating, communicative, trusting and overall enjoyable environment is practiced. Acknowledgment of an employee’s contribution to the company is key. After all, their accomplishments define the company. There are three layers to a company: strategy, vision and direction. Employees contribute to each of these components. Ask yourself: what does the company believe in? What is their ultimate goal? How do and will you contribute to the company’s success? Employees that work in an unsatisfactory environment are more inclined to be unhappy with their current pay and job title.  Some of us..

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Rick Raimondi
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Married, and Business Partners…

Husband-wife duos are behind many successfully owned family businesses. For some, this kind of an arrangement may seem ideal; to others, maybe not. So how do you know if starting a business with your spouse is for you? Here are some pointers: If you and your spouse choose to collaborate in your professional lives, both of you must be willing to share not only your domestic lives, but also work problems. Those couples that are successful in such an endeavor usually have a strong marriage to begin with, and their compatibility lends itself to running a business. Often however, the stress of having to share nearly every responsibility can become too much, and either the business will fall through, or the marriage will. So, if you do not feel 100% comfortable with the idea, it is probably not for you. Couples who balance each other out in daily life especially..

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