Are you winning the dual income, careers, and daycare challenge?
Many thirty-something professionals in the booming IT/Engineering field have the good fortune of lucrative dual incomes, but with increasing pressure to work longer work weeks, how does a couple manage daycare, and school schedules for their family? The consultant business model is a recent trend that provides an alternative life balance, while not sacrificing dual earnings and career growth. While one spouse maintains the direct hire/employee job, which provides full benefits (medical, retirement, etc.), the other spouse is able to work on a contract basis for multiple employers.
What’s the benefit? While the spouse with the direct hire/employee job works 50 to 60 hours each week, the spouse working on a contract basis mostly has their hours limited to 40 hours per week, and is able to schedule those hours that provide them the flexibility to meet their family needs. The first step is generally the hardest, which is to decide who should go the consultant route and who should stay as a direct hire employee.
For professional couples in this situation, have you given this new “business model” consideration?