Truer words have never been spoken. When we hear the word temporary; well, it means just that: a holding pattern in your life, a Polaroid if you will.
Don’t judge this word because of its definition. See it as the road to permanent. Staffing firms that focus on providing temporary/contract employment for qualified people are providing opportunities that can transition into full-time, salaried positions.
There are staffing firms that provide temporary/contract opportunities for every career interest: From administrative to Tech CEO’s.
Once you have accepted an assignment, there are a few things that you should consider. Remember: don’t see it as temporary, see it as the road to a permanent job.
What do I mean by this? Well just think to yourself: “if I were hired for a permanent position, how would I interact with my co-workers? How would I treat my work?
A line should not be drawn between the two; whether permanent or temporary, you should behave accordingly, mingle with your employees and provide superior work for the managers. Paradoxically, as a professional working on a contract basis, the standards are higher than a permanent employee-since you are billed hourly.
For those that have successfully leveraged a temporary position into a full time position, what were the secrets to your success? How many feel that they were just in the right place at the right time, or actually “made it happen” Feel free to pass on your words of wisdom.
To place yourself in the optimum position to get that knock on the office door about a discussion to transition into full-time job, it’s best to be prepared by taking the following actions:
Research Their Hiring Strategy: Each company has a hiring process. Try to do a little research. Learn about the hiring process so that when a job opening is created, you have positioned yourself to be the prime candidate of choice. Be curious!
Stand Out: Assume responsibility, be pro-active, offer suggestions and show a genuine interest in the success of the company. Think “WE”. Passivity is the kiss of death.
Network: The difference between Net-Working and Not-Working is one letter. The fact that you are there shows that the company has needs. Introduce yourself to people in the lunch room, tell them what you are working on, and learn about what they are working on. This will lead to making positive impressions and when other opportunities arise, you will be an established and known entity.
By being proactive and following the above action items, you will be at an advantage over the competition. It is an easy formula that will create a cocktail of positive results and success.