How do you get the right mix of executive management, adaptability, tech savviness and cost effective employees in your company? First by understanding the respective strengths of the past three generations that have impacted the work force. Fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace has become a priority for many organizations in the business world today. Baby Boomers, generally defined as being born between the years of 1946 to 1964, bring a tremendous amount of executive presence, are productive, hardworking, team players and make great mentors. These skills and traits makes them the most cost effective generational workforce. Meanwhile, Gen X (1964 -1980) excels at generating revenue for companies, mostly due to their strong problem solving skills, adaptability to changes and challenges. Combine this with their strong collaboration and relationship building traits, a company will have an ideal workforce when executive leadership is not a requisite. The Millennials (1980 – 1995)..
Read MoreWorkers underestimate the benefits of a flexible schedule Workplace flexibility has obvious appeal as an alternative to the traditional 9 to 5 day. Arrangements such as telecommuting and flexible working hours have been around for a while, with nearly a quarter of the U.S. workforce doing some work from home. But how much do employees value this flexibility? And how good are they at assessing the factors that contribute to their own happiness? The answers are not what you may think. Results reported in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper, clearly indicate that, whatever people might say about their desire for greater scheduling choice, most employees aren’t willing to give up much pay to get it. Does this mean that most job seekers don’t value flextime? If we assume that people have a good sense of what makes them happy, that is the survey’s main takeaway. Moreover, for..
Read MoreWith Amazon’s announcement that it is seeking to build their HQ2, there’s been a lot of discussion regarding the challenge of maintaining a corporate culture when you have two headquarters. Which, in turn, brings up a bigger issue: What should everyone focus on in the hiring process to ensure that new hires “fit in” with the corporate culture? While many organizations have been focusing on “Culture-Fit,” I have seen that this is not a good idea. As the US workforce has become increasingly internationalized, “Culture-Fit” has become associated with “culture bias”—where candidates with similar backgrounds, opinions, communication styles, ethnicity and lifestyles are hired. However, what actually makes companies work is to instill a set of common values or principles. Which is why growing companies are now focusing on “Values-Fit,” hiring candidates who share the organization’s core values regardless of their opinions, ethnicity, etc. Quite often these core values are..
Read MoreGoogle, Facebook and Apple get a lot of hype as great places to work, and they all have many positives. However, before choosing your next place of employment, there’s something vitally important that you need to look at: the Values-Fit. In other words, what are that company’s core values and guiding principles, and do these translate into something that works for you? And, just as importantly, do you have access to insider knowledge regarding what is really going on “behind the curtain” of a potential employer? If you work with me as your recruiting expert you do. In fact, one of the things that sets me apart is my ability to provide the type of insider knowledge that can help you land your best job yet. Before looking for new opportunities, determine what Values-Fit works best for you. Be brutally honest with yourself in respect to what you value at..
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